Using HTML and Embedding StoryMap.js

This is an HTML webpage that you can use to host your StoryMap.js!

Nam consequat metus et augue rutrum pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed faucibus ornare sem, ac aliquam leo rhoncus eget. Fusce sed lorem est. Proin condimentum consectetur purus non aliquet. Pellentesque erat sem, posuere ac mollis nec, cursus at arcu. Proin tristique bibendum tortor, eu maximus nunc placerat et. Integer ut ante imperdiet elit feugiat condimentum non non nulla. Etiam rhoncus arcu quis rhoncus porttitor.

Here's an example of a Story Map.

Let's embed it here.

It can be difficult to tell multiple stories in a single StoryMap, so as we discussed in class, you could make multiple StoryMaps so that you can follow different parts of your story. In that case, please be sure to include some text that explains how they link together so that your reader can more easily follow your narrative as they move down the page.

Nal racinë amilessë na, ep fas lucië tengwelë. Pé óma viltë telpë avamarwa, sá fánë yára avatyara hap, úr nalda yulmë tec. Uë wén nolya úcarë, írë málo valdë né. Nostalë amilessë ter tó, alu manu yanen sulier é, axa cé urwa eques.

Harë yelma lucië nur má, ëar root venessë an, ríc rá caimasan atalantëa. Rangwë onótima tir cu. Aica hérë vandel vén sa, quén indómë linwelë mac é. Tëa nauva nénar ar, tuv engë nahamna as. Cuilë lillassëa tál má, tar ep harë tumna. Eru inyo mornië an, vá tata racinë cenvéla qua, aha nolya tanwë centa né.

Here's an example of a gigapixel Story Map.

Let's try embedding it here.

This index.html page is a placeholder with the CSS, font and favicon. It's just waiting for you to add some content! If you need some help hit up the Skeleton documentation.

Environmental Footprint Screenshot of Carbonalyser analysis

Us nér manë histë, é vëa lingwë ontani. Ana ninwa turúva celayur vi. Uë tir teren valdë yernacolla. Loc naitya taniquelassë na, engë vestina pereldar ná ílë. Talan unquë artaquetta ep nót, fassë venessë órë ré, be palla omentië caimassë her.

Unquë amanyar or ran, ata yá cumna tengwelë. Laito sanda naitya nó pio, ára costa lanta valdë be. Tac lucië hravan en. War ve foina yalúmëa, ava mantil valarauko ep. Már hecil mírëa orpano at, iel yarë caurë hravan sú.

Valta onóro sá tuo, uë núta lambë sairon ran. Sírë palis cua cu, sac ailin velca tengwanda be. An inyo manwa halda hen, aro as aica ontarë arandur, túr cu nolya valdë. É aica manu úvë, vië raita lanwa tó, fárë atwa almien as lis.

Ta nís lenca ataqua. Nís ëa úcarë omentië tareldar, nonwa lenca aratar san cu, nó lanat aryon lav. Apa sí aiwë palúrë antorya. Mi vaina haloitë llo, venë velca na pel. Erya urúva onóro rip na.


Terrestrial map

  1. Colonial Trade Routes: An Object History
    • Images
      • Main image: [Citation in Chicago Style] [Licensing information.]
      • Panel image: Carborundum, Helena. Imageus Gigantus Cartographica. 1821. Atlas map. David Rumsey Maps. Images copyright © 2000 by Cartography Associates, Creative Commons License.
    • Texts
      • Doe, Emilie Jane. Many Recollections From My Many Trips. London, UK: Wm. Johnson Publishers, 1877.
      • Smith, John Jacob Jingleheimer. Wu Xia and the Art of Scooter Maintenance. New York: Springer, 2003.
      • A Citable Film. Directed by Anne Director and Anne Other Director, Moviemaking Studios, 2019.
  2. Enslaved People in Equatorial Africa
    • Images
      • Source 1
      • Source 2
    • Texts
      • Source 1
      • Source 2

Celestial map

  1. Slide 1
    • Images
      • Source 1
      • Source 2
    • Texts
      • Source 1
      • Source 2
  2. Slide 2
    • Images
      • Source 1
      • Source 2
    • Texts
      • Source 1
      • Source 2
Licensing Make sure to put a license on your website! Here's a guide on how to choose a license. Remember that some of the image licenses will have a "share alike" requirement, which will limit your choice for licensing your own work when sharing theirs.